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DHU Students Gain Remarkable Results at Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2022


In 2022, a total of 98 teams of students from Donghua University signed up for the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) and won 35 titles of Honorable Mention and above, including 7 for Finalist, 7 for Meritorious Winner, and 21 for Honorable Mention, representing the best results in the history of Donghua University participating in the MCM. One of teams that won the title of Finalist is composed of three students, Liu Yiqi, Jie Yingying and Hao Peng from the School of Computer Science and Technology, the College of Information Science and Technology, and the College of Science.

(MCM publicity and tutoring lecture held by DHU)

As the oldest mathematical contest in modeling, the MCM attracts a large number of college students from all over the world every year. Participating students have to choose one of the six questions, use four days to build a model through analysis, solve it with the help of scientific computing software, and submit a modeling paper. The questions of MCM mainly come from practical problems in engineering, management, environment, ecology and other fields, and the MCM prizes include Outstanding, Finalist, Meritorious Winner, Honorable Mention and Successful Participant.

(Some final nomination certificates of students from DHU)

Mathematical modeling is a college student innovative discipline competition that students of Donghua University widely participate in. To improve students' ability to innovate in science and technology and to use mathematics to solve engineering problems, the Academic Affairs Office and the College of Science is committed to teaching the basic knowledge of mathematical modeling through multiple channels and improving the mathematical ability of the participating students via the integration of teaching and competition by organizing lectures, competitions, and contest question presentations together with the Mathematical Modeling Association of Donghua University and various colleges. We look forward to further expanding the influence of mathematical modeling, improving the scientific and technological innovation ability of students in Donghua University, and better serving students' development and growth with the remarkable results made at MCM 2022.