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DHU Environmental Engineering Center Passed the 2021 Performance Evaluation of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment


The Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China recently announced the 2021 performance evaluation results of the National Environmental Protection Engineering Technology Center. The National Environmental Protection Engineering Technology Center for Textile Industry Pollution Prevention and Control (hereinafter referred to as “the Center”), built by the School of Environmental Science and Engineering of DHU, successfully passed the performance evaluation and was ranked 6th among 18 national environmental protection engineering technology centers.

(Online Evaluation Defense Session of the Center)

(Equipment and Laboratory of the Center)

The Center highlights the characteristics of the textile industry, attaches importance to forward-looking technology development, conducts applied technology and environmental management research, and strengthens the training of professional talents, providing technology leadership and support for China's progress from a large textile country to a strong textile country. In terms of technology research and development, combined with the environmental technology needs in industry development, the Center's research team starts from the perspective of clean production and end-of-pipe treatment and further expands the research and development of air pollution, water pollution, solid waste pollution and clean production technology in the textile industry based on the original research. Besides, for important environmental scientific research achievements with potential market value, the Center carries out engineering development and system integration to promote their industrialization and maintains an average annual growth rate of more than 20% in R&D investment and technical service income within three years. In addition, the Center plays a leading role in environmental standards and technical specifications of the textile industry. During the evaluation period, the Center takes the lead in formulating two national environmental standards, participates in two national and two local environmental standards, undertakes the preparation of accounting methods for the textile industry in the “Second National Pollution Source Census”, and drafts the production and pollution discharge coefficients manual.

Through this evaluation, based on the careful summary and analysis of the evaluation results, the Center will take the initiative to benchmark with the relevant standards and requirements of national R&D institutions and effectively improve the operation performance level and support capacity.