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2021 Belt & Road Countries - Advanced Seminar for Textile Industry International Cooperation



一、项目简介Brief Introduction


This program aims at consolidating the professional foundation, leading the knowledge frontier, broadening the academic vision, and improving the comprehensive capacity of participants in the scientific research. Participates will learn and experience the first-hand textile technology, engineering knowledge as well as industry dynamics by the hybrid modules combined with the online lectures and workshops, as well as the offline field trips and visits.

时间地点Duration & Venue

7月5日至23日 / July 5 - July 23


Donghua University Yan'an Road Campus, Downtown Shanghai

免费参加Free to join

受上海市教育委员会资助/Sponsored by the Shanghai Municipal Government

被录取的全程参加者(Module A+B):免报名费、学费;项目指定期间免费校内住宿。名额有限,欲报从速。

Admitted participants of Module A+B:Application fee and tuition fee are waived. During the designated period, on-campus accommodation will be provided for free. Limited quotas offered.

被录取的线上内容学习者(Module A only):免报名费、学费。

Admitted participants of Module A only:Application fee and tuition fee are waived.


二、项目特色Program Highlights

Ø 聚焦行业前沿

Ø Focusing on the industry frontier


The academic courses offered by the College of Textile will cover advanced textile manufacturing technology, new textile materials, fiber soft materials, smart wearable textiles, multi-functional nanocomposite materials, micro-nano fiber materials, textile design, etc.


Ø 海内外名师授课

Ø Renowned experts and scholars at home and abroad will be invited


Renowned experts and scholars with high academic level and rich teaching experience at home and abroad will be invited to give lectures on professional basis and cutting-edge. The teaching language will be mainly in English.

Ø 实地考察纺织企业

Ø Chances of field trips into the industry


Participants will have the chance to visit the local companies in the field of textile and clothing and obtain an insight in the industry dynamics with Chinese features.

Ø 结识中外新朋友

Ø Make friends with the Chinese and foreign fellows


In-class discussions and extracurricular activities bring the Chinese and foreign fellows together for the team cooperation and improvement.


三、项目设置 Program Settings

1、Module A

Online lectures and workshops


July 8- July 15

* 修完要求的课程且考核合格后可获得结业证书。

Those who complete all required courses and pass the examination will be awarded a certificate of completion.

* 无法亲自到东华大学校园参加项目全程者,可申请只参加线上内容学习模块。

Applicant who are not able to participate the whole program can apply for only Module A.

2、Module B

Field Trips and Visits


* 线下模块必须连同线上模块全程参加,项目期间必须入住东华大学校内留学生公寓。

Participants are required to take part in Module A and Module B simultaneously, and live in the international student apartment building in Donghua campus.

* 限目前在华且持有效签证/居留许可者参加,须自行支付往返旅费。

Participants should be in the mainland of China currently and have already held a valid visa/Residence Permit. Travel cost to Donghua campus should be afforded by the participants.


四、招生对象Who are welcome to join?


Non-Chinese citizens mainly from the Belt & Road countries.


Doctoral candidates, master's degree students, outstanding senior undergraduates; young lecturers and researchers; those who work in the textile industry.


五、如何参加How to join the program?


Scan the QR code to register.


Receive the online application guide via email from Donghua University.


Deadline of registration & online application: June 25, 2021 (Friday)


六、联系我们Contact Us


Tel: 021 - 62379336   ext. 17 / 18